Strategic Planning
Avizo’s thoughtful & customized Strategic Planning options will help you set bigger goals, define your actions, and maintain accountability.
Create your bold vision of the future by focusing on 5 years from now to define your mission, vision, and core values that will pave the path towards reaching your goals.
Build a one-page plan for the year that sets in motion initiatives to move your organization towards who you want to be in 5 years.
With timelines, teams, and accountability measures in place for each item on the 1-Year Strategic Gameplan, your team will get to work.
To help maintain your momentum, Avizo will provide accountability meetings to check in and provide advice for progress where it is needed.
At the end of the year, we will meet again to assess the successes and misses. We will start again at the "Strategy" phase and create a new, and even bolder 1-year plan.
Annual Plan Update
Our expert facilitators provide customized strategy sessions with proven methodologies, practical tools, and hands-on exercises to result in designing an impactful and effective vision plan and Strategic Gameplan.
Your choice! We recommend off-site to give you a change of view, but we offer in-office and Zoom sessions as well.
Your leadership team needs to be together to move forward, so it’s best to include all major stakeholders.
The major planning session is once a year, for one or two days. Follow-up accountability sessions can also be booked.
Because we can guide you through the tough conversations about what it takes to make real change and growth. You’ll develop a defined vision, core values, purpose statement, strategic objectives and, of course, a gameplan.
Accountability Session Options
Your leaders can’t achieve the company-wide goals alone. The 90-Day Gameplan teaches everyone in your company how to set milestones that link back to completing the Annual Strategic Goal plan.
Our strategic planning team will meet with company leaders, or you can choose a segmented group. Together, we will review the progress of the annual gameplan goals 4 times during the year.
Your company leaders will gather for a mid-year meeting to review your progress, get advice for your roadblocks, and gain renewed energy to continue.