As many of our clients know, Avizo Group, Inc. provides a convenient and secure portal called TaxCaddy for you to use in saving and sending documents to us through the year. During tax season, we like to provide informational posts every Tuesday through our #TaxCaddyTuesday campaign.
Today, you can learn just how simple it is to add documents to your portal. After watching the video, if you’d like to sign up, just email us!
Here is are the steps Tiffany Dudley shows you the video above:
- Download the TaxCaddy app and make sure you’re logged in to it. This can be set up very quickly after you’ve connected to Avizo Group’s TaxCaddy account. The log in can use facial recognition, passwords, and dual authentication.
- From the home screen, click the green button that says “Add a Document”.
- Two options come up that say “Take a Photo” and “Upload a File” – choose Take a Photo.
- The camera will launch. Line up your document – there will be directions about moving closer/further away on the screen.
- TaxCaddy snaps the photo for you and then you can choose to “retake”, “edit”, or “use”. Once satisfied with the photo, choose “use”.
- TaxCaddy will ask if there are any additional pages – if “yes” you can take more photos, if no, you can now put the document into your portal.
- To save the document on the next screen, either click “decide later” or you can choose the category for the document.
- Click “Save”.
Now when you go back to the home screen within the TaxCaddy app, you can click on “Documents” and see the photo/document you just took. We can also see it as a PDF on our side.