How many times have you set a goal for yourself that wasn’t accomplished? Every year we set plans, but then end up going from one activity to the next, day after day, month after month. Then the year is up, and you wonder where 2017, 2018…2019 went. I feel like I have done this every single year. The intention is there to achieve my goals that I set for the new year in January, but then it rarely happens. I may accomplish 20% of what is on my list. That is, until I started my career at Avizo Group (formerly hb&k).
Avizo Group has taught me a new way to make, track, and achieve goals. Since I have started at the company, goal setting is the single most important tool I have learned. I apply it to my career and my personal life. I am going to go through the steps we take at Avizo Group, as well as and what I do personally.
1. Annual Goals
At work – we all make goals that align with the strategic vision of the firm. The shareholders meet and make goals for the firm that change from year to year. Then, we each make goals that will help the firm attain those goals. This way, we are personally involved and responsible for firm success.
At home – my husband and I make goals that we would like to complete during the year. We look at different aspects of our lives (physical fitness, relationships, spiritual, etc.) and decide how we want to make headway that year. We set a few big, overarching goals for the year.
2. Quarterly Goals
Start breaking those goals down into smaller, attainable and actionable pieces for the next 90 days. Yes, you will need to do this 4 times during the year. Most people do not complete their goals they set for the year since they are usually BIG goals. When you break them down into smaller pieces that you can attain, you are more likely to make progress toward them. Measuring success by the quarter helps to give you a break. If there is a day, or even a whole week when you don’t work toward the goal, it’s ok because you have an entire quarter to make progress.
At Avizo Group – We have meetings to go over where we are in obtaining our goals to help keep everyone accountable. You can celebrate your victories and acknowledge where you need to pay more attention. This meeting also allows others to see where you are struggling and be able to help you out in the next 90 days where you need it. We post these goals somewhere in our office so we can look at them every day.
At home – we make our 90-days goals from our annual goals and post them to the mirror where we get ready every morning. At any point, I know where to find them and I can say them without even looking. Let me repeat – I can say them without even looking. That’s how well I know my goals. It is very important to post your goals where you can see them every day. If you don’t know what your goals are then how will you achieve them?
3. Monthly/Weekly Goals
From here, we break our goals down to even smaller steps/check-ins.
At Avizo Group – we have monthly meetings with a supervisor to talk about what we have achieved, what we have not achieved, and what we need to work on for next month and going forward. This self-reflection helps us each make sure we are headed in the right direction.
At home – we have a whiteboard on the fridge that helps to keep us on track for the week. Each Sunday we update our goals for the week. We do not make huge goals on that board, just small steps toward a bigger goal. Some people may prefer to do this for 2 weeks or a month, but I love being able to cross things off. When I can cross items off a list, it just propels me forward and encourages me to keep going.
From here, you just need to make sure you are doing something every day to go toward your goals. For instance, we made a goal to buy a new house (that’s a big goal). We bought a livable fixer-upper when we got married and had a 5-year plan. In 2017/2018 we made goals to finish the projects based on what would give us more equity. In early 2019, (yes tax season, don’t know what I was thinking) we purchased a new home! If we had not set goals and made them happen little by little, then I am not sure we would be in our new house.
I repeat this formula in my head all the time. Small decisions in the right direction + consistency + time = SUCCESS.
We advocate for this system because we’ve seen great results. Individuals can put this to use any time. Business owners who want to see greater successes in their companies and employees should consider talking with an Avizo team member about Strategic Planning. A Strategic Planning Session can help you set overarching goals and give you accountability calls to maintain forward momentum.